教學目標 Objective |
課程將探討嗜好性飲料中咖啡、茶以及酒類的加工過程及原理,並以這些基礎背景延伸至生活知識及目前產業之應用。另本課程也將邀集具備專業知識及豐富業界經驗之飲品從業人員與學生分享產業現況,建立學生將基礎知識投注於產業之橋樑。 Upon completion of this course, students will be familiar with the processing of coffee, tea and alcohol, and possess the basic knowledge of their industrial applications. |
先修科目 Pre Course |
無 None |
教學方式 Teaching Method |
1. 本課程中介紹任何知識前會先從”為什麼要知道這件事”開始講解,提升學生學習之動機。 2. 將以生活化之比喻講解生理之機制,加強理解程度。 3. 著重於學生理解知識的關鍵點,並強調此關鍵點。 4. 將導入業界經驗、生活應用以及社會議題至教材中。 5. 導入3分鐘論文 (Three Minute Thesis) 做為期末成績評量,提升學生的表達能力及對課程內容的理解。 1. To activate the motivation by giving students a clear purpose for their learning 2. Make the conceptual connection between our courses and student’s past experiences to interest them 3. Focus on the “critical point” for understanding 4. Introduce the industrial experience and public issue into the course 5. Use 3MT challenge as final presentation to activate the learning process |
課程概要 Outline |
(一) 咖啡簡介;(二) 咖啡加工及其原理;(三) 咖啡產業應用及市場現況;(四) 茶飲料簡介;(五) 茶加工及其原理;(六) 茶飲料產業應用及市場現況;(七) 酒精性飲品簡介;(八) 酒類加工及其原理;(九) 酒類產業加工及市場現況。 1. Introduction of coffee. 2. Coffee processing and its basic mechanism. 3. The industrial application and market of coffee beverages. 4. Introduction of tea. 5. Tea processing and its basic mechanism. 6. The industrial application and market of tea beverages. 7. Introduction of alcohol. 8. Alcohol beverages processing and its basic mechanism. 9. The industrial application and market of alcohol beverages. |
開課系所 |
食品科學系進修學士班(Food Science) |