教學目標 Objective |
訓練研究生在不同研究主題文獻收集、整理與表達之能力。同時提供學生參與各項不同研究主題討論互動的機會。 1. To provide you with an opportunity to be acquainted with other graduate students 2. To provide you with trainings in how to assess the work from scientific papers and give constructive feedbacks 3. To provide you with trainings in how to present your own research, both in writings and orally |
先修科目 Pre Course |
無 None |
教學方式 Teaching Method |
發表學生整理書面報告,口頭發表,回答提問,參與其他發表學生之討論。任課老師依學生報告內容與表現,提出問題並給與建議.必要時學生得於次週提供補充報告. To discuss the questions after presentations |
課程概要 Outline |
由修課學生自行選定主題進行。 This course is a graduation requirement for all doctoral students. The students in this class will be giving presentations on others’ work (sometimes their current work) in the field of food science. |
開課系所 |
食品科學系博士班(Food Science) |