- Application of PCR-RFLP Techniques on Species Identification of Common Groupers in Taiwan
- 利用 PCR-RFLP 鑑定臺灣北部市售油魚及鱈魚片魚種
- 以不同條件探討台灣鮋魚毒素之溶血活性
- 以單棘魨細胞色素 b 基因鑑定其相關加工製品物種之探討
- 利用粒線體 COI 基因以 PCR-RFLP 方法鑑定台灣常見蟹類
- 利用PCR-RFLP 技術分析粒線體 COI 以鑑定臺灣海星物種之探討
- 利用PCR-RFLP技術鑑定台灣石斑魚種之探討
- 紫海膽生殖腺水溶性萃取物抗氧化性
- 紫海膽生殖腺蛋白質抗氧化活性
- 應用 PCR-RFLP 技術鑑定台灣常食用之笛鯛科魚類
- 鯙鰻魚皮膠原蛋白特性與生理活性之探討
- Bighead Carp Meat Adulterated in Commercial Milkfish Ball Products
- Distinguish the mullet species of causative mullet fillet implicated into food poisoning by PCR-RFLP
- Specie Identification by Using PCR Technique Based on Mitochondrial 16S rRNA Sequences of Starfishes in Taiwan
- Species identification of Acrossocheilus paradoxus by PCR-RFLP
- Studies on the seasonal variations of fatty acids of the Taiwan’s sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla gonad
- Studies on the seasonal variations of gonad index and colour in Taiwan’s sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla gonad
- Studies on Toxicity of Arsenic for Casein Deficiency in Rats