
Wen-Chieh Sung

Professor & Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

Education:Ph.D. of Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University, USA
  Specialty:Cereal science, food processing, bakery science and frozen food
       OfficeFood Engineering Building Room 208           
Marine Science Building C Room 208
           TEL:886-2-24622192 Ext.5129

enlightenedPersonal statement

Professor Wen-Chieh Sung is the staff of the Department of Food Science at the College of Life Sciences, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan. Together with his team, he studied marine food science and cereal science. Having studied food science, Wen-Chieh Sung obtained his PhD degree from the department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University, USA, and was a researcher at the China Grain Products Research & Development Institute (CGPRDI), New Taipei City, Taiwan, for 4 years. He studies gluten-free bakery products and snacks by incorporated seaweed byproducts, fish paste and local agriculture ingredients.


enlightenedCurrent projects

Effects of Halogen Lamp and Traditional Sun Drying on the Volatile Compounds, Color Parameters and Gel Texture of Gongliao Gelidium Seaweed

The processing of Gongliao Gelidium seaweed was very complicate involved the repeated procedures of water washing and sun drying for 7 times, and the seaweed was originally purple-red in color turned into yellow after the repeated wash and sun drying. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of halogen lamp drying methods in replace of sun drying on the physical-chemical qualities of Gelidium jellies. Properties included the agar yield, gelling temperature, hardness, springiness, rheological parameters, sensory attributes, color, and volatile compounds were investigated. The results demonstrated halogen lamp drying method required 12 times of washing and drying processes to achieve the similar jelly properties compared to sun drying for 7 times in the experimental conditions. Volatiles including heptanal, β-ionone, and (E)-2-decenal could be used as indicators to monitor the washing and drying processing. Halogen lamp drying could be an alternative processing method for seaweed drying, especially at rainy days.

Figure A) Appearance of Gelidium seaweed; B) Appearance of Gelidium jelly. F (control): Oven dried Gelidium seaweed; S3 : Washing and sun drying cycles for 3 times; S7 : Washing and sun drying cycles for 7 times; L7 : Washing and halogen lamp drying cycles for 7 times; L9 : Washing and halogen lamp drying cycles for 9 times; L12 : Washing and halogen lamp drying cycles for 12 times.


  • Beverage Preparation and Management
  • Food Products Technology Lab. (Ⅱ)
  • Science and Technology of Chocolate Processing
  • Baking Science
  • Special Topics on Food Industry



