摘 要:
In recent years, as consumers’ demand for food with high safety, quality, sensory attributes, and nutritional value has increased, pulsed electric field (PEF), an non-thermal processing technology has shown great application potential. Although traditional thermal treatment can extend the shelf life of food, nutrient may loss and physical properties might be damaged. In contrast, PEF, as a non-thermal food preservation technology, minimalized negative impact on the physical and chemical properties of food. It increases cell membrane permeability through electroporation, resulting in minimal impact on food quality, making it a promising technology for future food processing. The results of this study show that in the experiments with carrots, PEF can effectively shorten the time needed to reach the target temperature, therefore significantly reduce color changes during the heating process, which also protecting cell structure to avoid hardness loss and stabilize the release of β-carotene in carrots, thereby effectively reducing nutrient loss. In the abalone experiments, PEF treatment had minimized impact on color difference, texture, and lipid oxidation, demonstrating its protective effect on food appearance and texture. In contrast, traditional thermal treatment promoted the release of free amino acids (FAAs) at high temperatures, indicating greater damage to cell structure, PEF treatment maintained a lower level of FAAs released at lower temperatures. Compared with traditional thermal treatment, PEF technology can significantly reduce nutrient loss during food processing, protecting food texture and color, and effectively shortening heating time to improve thermal efficiency. These characteristics indicate that PEF is a highly promising food processing technology that suitable as an alternative to traditional high-temperature thermal treatments for maintaining food quality and nutrition.