
Tseng W-C*, Fang T-Y, Lin Y-C, Huang S-J, Huang Y-H.(2018) Reversible self-assembly nano vesicle of UCST response prepared with multi-L-arginyl-poly-L-aspartate conjugated with polyethylene glycol. Biomacromolecules

作者: 方翠筠
發表年度: 2018
著作類別: 期刊論文
著作名稱: Tseng W-C*, Fang T-Y, Lin Y-C, Huang S-J, Huang Y-H.(2018) Reversible self-assembly nano vesicle of UCST response prepared with multi-L-arginyl-poly-L-aspartate conjugated with polyethylene glycol. BIOMACROMOLECULES,19(part12)4585-4592.