

姓名:張克亮 (Ke Liang Bruce Chang, Ph.D.)

  • 期刊論文(Refereed papers)
  1. LL Sui*,J Yu, DB Cang, WJ Miao, HY Wang, JW Zhang*, SF Yin,KLB Chang(2019) The fractal description model of rock fracture networks characterization. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS,129 ,71-76.
  2. ZL Kong*, HP Kuo, A Johnson, LC Wu,KLB Chang(2019) Curcumin-Loaded Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Markedly Enhanced Cytotoxicity in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
  3. WC Tsai, ST Wang, KLB Chang, ML Tsai*(2019) Enhancing Saltiness Perception Using Chitin Nanomaterials.POLYMERS
  4. GJ Chen, FJ Hou*, KLB Chang, YB Zhai, YQ Du(2018) Driving factors of electric carbon productivity change based on regional and sectoral dimensions in China. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,205,477-487
  5. GJ Chen, FJ Hou*, KLB Chang(2018) Regional decomposition analysis of electric carbon productivity from the perspective of production and consumption in China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH,25:02,1508-1518.
  6. KLB Chang, H Zhou, GJ Chen*, HQ Chen(2017) Multiobjective Location Routing Problem considering Uncertain Data after Disasters. DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY.
  7. JS Chang, HP Kuo, KLB Chang, ZL Kong (2015) Apoptosis of hepatocellular carcinoma cells induced by nanoencapsulated polysaccharides extracted from Antrodia camphorata. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0136782.
  8. KLB Chang, JS Wang, WC Sung* (2014) Calcium salts reduce acrylamide formation and improve qualities of cookies. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research 2(11): 857-866.
  9. ZL Kong, JS Chang, KLB Chang (2013) Antiproliferative effect of Antrodia camphorata polysaccharides encapsulated in chitosan-silica nanoparticles strongly depends on the metabolic activity type of the cell line. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15(9): 1945.
  10. Chang, J.-S., Chang, K. L. B., Hwang, D.-F., and Kong, Z.-L., 2007, In vitro cytotoxicitiy of silica nanoparticles at high concentrations strongly depends on the metabolic activity type of the cell line, Environ. Sci. Technol, 41(6): 2064-2068. (SCI)
  11. Chang, J. S., Chang, K. L. B., and Tsai, M. L, 2007, Liquid crystalline behavior of chitosan in malic acid, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., (accepted). (SCI).
  12. Chang, J.-S., Kong, Z.-L., Hwang, D.-F., and Chang, K. L. B., 2006, Chitosan-catalyzed aggregation during the biomimetic synthesis of silica nanoparticles, Chem. Mater, 18(3): 702-707. (SCI)
  13. Chang, K. L. B., Lin, Y.-S., and Chen, R. H., 2003, The effect of chitosan on the gel properties of tofu (soybean curd), J. Food Eng., 57(4): 315-319. (SCI)
  14. Chang, K. L. B., M. C. Tai, and F. H. Cheng, 2001, Kenetics and products of the degradation of chitosan by hydrogen peroxide, J. Agric. Food Chem., 49(10): 4845-4851. (SCI)
  15. Chang, K. L. B. Tai, M.-C., and Cheng F.-H., 2001, Kinetics and products of the degradation of chitosan by hydrogen peroxide, J. Agric. Food Chem, 49(10): 4845-4851. (SCI)
  16. Chang, K. L. B. J. Lee, and W. R. Fu, 2000, HPLC analysis of N-acetyl-chito-oligo-saccharides during the acid hydrolysis of chitin, J. of Food & Drug Analysis, 8(2): 75-83. (SCI)
  17. Chang, K. L. B. and J. Lin, 2000. Swelling behavior and the release of protein from chitosan-pectin composite particles, Carbohydr. Polym., 43(2): 163-169. (SCI)
  18. Fu, W. R., Y. C. Sue, and K. L. B. Chang, 1998, Distribution of Liquid-solid Heat Transfer Coefficient Among Suspended Particles in Vertical Holding Tubes of an Aseptic Processing System, J. Food Sci., 63(2): 189-191. (SCI)
  19. Chang, K. L. B., J. Chang, C. Y. Shiau, and B. S. Pan, 1998, Biochemical, Microbiological, and Sensory Changes of Sea Bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) under Partial Freezing and Refrigerated Storage, J. Agric. Food Chem., 46(2): 682-686. (SCI)
  20. 孫寶年、黃文良、蔡欽泓、張克亮,1997,米糠及甘藷蛋白酉每 抑制劑對烏魚子褐變之影響,食品科學,中華民國,21(1): 75-85。
  21. Chang, K. L. B., G. Tsai, J. Lee, and W. R. Fu, 1997, Heterogeneous N-deacetylation of Chitin in Alkaline Solution, Carbohydrate Research, 303(3): 327-332. (SCI)
  22. Chang, K. L. B. and G. Tsai, 1997, Response Surface Optimization and Kinetics of Isolating Chitin from Pink Shrimp (Solenocera melantho) Shell Waste, J. Agric. Food Chem., 45(5): 1900-1904. (SCI )

  • 會議論文(Conference papers)
  1. 黃令慧、張正昇、張克亮,2006,奈米粒固定硫酸鋅及超氧歧化𡓨之抗氧化能力探討,台灣食品科學技術學會第卅六次會員大會、學術研究成果發表、食品產業跨領域交流研討會,p. 407 (E-28)2006年11月24日。
  2. 張克亮、張正昇、周宏銘、石文奇,2006,螢光奈米微粒在生物感測的應用與發展,生物產業,17: 273-278。
  3. 吳立詮、張正昇、張克亮、龔瑞林,2006,Silica nanoparticles of different encapsuled curcumin for treatment of cultured tumor cells. 台灣保健食品學會第八次(第四屆第二次)會員大會暨調節免疫力研討會,p.60(PA-38)。2006年2月17日。
  4. Chang, J. S., Lin, H., Chang, K. L. B., and Kong, Z. L., 2006, Chitosan-silica nanoparticels encapsulated Antrodia camphorata extract inhibited the growth of cultured tumor cells.台灣保健食品學會第八次(第四屆第二次)會員大會暨調節免疫力研討會。p.63(PA-43). 2006年2月17日。
  5. Chang, J. S., Kong, Z. L., and Chang, K. L. B., 2006, Engineering nanotechnology for health foods. International Symposium on Novel Technology in Food Processing and Engineering. National Chung Hsing University. 11-13 October, 2006, Taichung, Taiwan.
  6. Chang, J. S., Fan, G.. S., Zou, Y. M., and Chang, K. L. B., 2006, Preparation of chitosan nanoparticles and their application on the encapsulation of functional food ingredients. The 7th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium. Institute of NanoBio Technology, Seoul National University of Technology. 23-26 April, 2006, Bexco, Busan, South Korea.
  7. Chang, J. S., Fan, G.. S., Zou, Y. M., and Chang, K. L. B., 2006, Preparation of chitosan nanoparticles and their application on the encapsulation of functional food ingredients. Advances in Chitin Science and Technology. Pp. 455-457. Edited by Se-Kwon Kim, Hong Kyoon No, and Ro-Dong Park. The Korean Society for Chitin and Chitosan, and Marine Bioprocess Research Center. Printed by Hanrimwon Printing Co. Ltd., Seoul, South Korea. ISBN 89-5708-110-0
  8. Chang, J. S., Chang, K. L. B., and Kong, Z. L., 2006, Chitosan-silica nanoparticles encapsulated Antrodia camphorate polysaccharides inhibit the growth of cultured tumor cells. 台灣食品科學技術學會第卅六次會員大會、學術研究成果發表、食品產業跨領域交流研討會,p.406 (E-27) 2006年11月24日。
  9. 謝仁琪、張克亮,2005,幾丁聚醣-山藥奈米粒之製備及其特性之探討,2005年台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣研討會,p.103(P-20)。
  10. 張正昇、張克亮,2005,幾丁聚醣-氧化矽奈米複合顆粒之製備及其特性分析,2005年台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣研討會,p.103(P-21)。
  11. 張正昇、周宏銘、張克亮,2005,幾丁聚醣-氧化矽螢光奈米粒之製備及其於檢測E. coli O157:H7之應用,2005奈米國家型科技計畫成果發表會,pp.31-33(A-01)。
  12. 周宏銘、張克亮,2005,幾丁聚醣-氧化矽螢光奈米粒之製備及其特性分析,2005年台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣研討會,p.103(P-22)。
  13. 張克亮,2005,奈米化在保健機能性食品之應用,保健機能性食品實務研討會專輯,pp. 70-99,經濟部工業局主辦、中華股類食品工業技術研究所執行,中華民國九十四年十月十三日,台北。
  14. 張克亮,2003,奈米生物技術及其在醫藥方面之應用,新竹食品工業研究所專題演說,新竹。
  15. 張克亮,2003,奈米生技面面觀,新竹食品工業研究所專題演說,新竹。
  16. 張克亮,2002,與糖為友—外國人的甜點子,九十一年度蔗糖技術學會論文發表會專題演說,台糖公司研究所,台南。
  17. 張克亮,林宜賢,戴明志,2000,魷魚加工廢棄物之回收與利用研究,88年度水產加工研究成果彙編,行政院農業委員會委辦,食品工業發展研究所編印,pp. 243-255。
  18. 張克亮,2000,以酵素法製備幾丁寡醣,國科會技術移轉授權案。
  19. Chang, K. L., B. J. Lin, and J. Lee, 1999, Physical and Chemical Properties of Chitosan Membranes, Advances in Chitin Science, Ed. by R. H. Chen and H. C. Chen, Rita Advertising Co., Ltd. Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 261-266.
  20. 蕭泉源、張克亮,1998,鯖魚參加工產品開發之技術轉移與推廣之評估,漁業推廣月刊,147: 43-48。
  21. 蕭泉源、張克亮,1998,大宗鯖魚參 漁獲加工研究計畫技術轉移之效益評估,87年度台灣省漁業局委託研究計畫期終報告。
  22. 張克亮,1998,歐美糖業公司特殊糖研發簡介,台灣糖業公司製糖(包裝)股長新知研討班。
